Workshops Page Updated March 2024

Workshops Page Updated March 2024

sustained wellbeing services

As a non-profit, we are committed to enabling wellbeing for all. Those with a genuine financial need can apply for a scholarship in the Enrollment form. We encourage you to apply if you are a student / single parent / currently not working / retired or senior citizens / working in education / non-profit / healthcare or wellbeing / public sector.



Timeless wisdom to be victorious in the battle of life

  • Learn the Dharma Geeta, Lord Rama’s teachings to Vibhishana in the Ramcharit Manas
  • Understand the principles of a successful daily life
  • Build practices to strengthen and empower yourself 


Build a daily meditation practice

  • Learn the fundamentals of non-judgmental awareness.
  • Understand the emerging findings from neuroscience.
  • Build your mindfulness practice with the power of community.

RISE (for women)

3-day residential workshop to reconnect with your essence, your truth, your power

  • Uncover and step out of past fears and limiting beliefs
  • Learn practices to be present and tune into your wisdom – physically, emotionally, and spiritually
  • Envision your future; see new possibilities and experiment with new ways of being


An immersive 2 days to harness the power of your thoughts and emotions

  • Go from triggered reactions to grounded responses
  • Understand the origin of your actions, thoughts, emotions and learn to channelize them
  • Find inner peace regardless of outer situations


Harness your body’s intelligence and unlock sustained well-being

  • Experience physical vitality, mental clarity and emotional calm
  • Transform stress into balance and relaxation by unlocking the mind-body connection
  • Empower yourself with practical, cutting-edge insights


Awaken your inner observer

  • Unlock clarity and calm in the external chaos of life
  • Break free of limiting patterns with simple and practical tools
  • Experience the power of blending Neuroscience with wisdom of Yog and Buddha


Harmonize body, breath and mind

  • Learn mindful yogic practices for a healthy body, balanced emotions and steady mind
  • Learn practice sets & embed them in your daily life with coach guidance & community support
  • Complement your work-out with a relaxing and energizing work-in.


Bring timeless wisdom into everyday life

  • Unlock the wisdom of the Isha Upanishad through a dogma-free approach
  • Translate Upanishadic concepts into self-directed practices
  • Dissolve inner and outer conflicts to nurture deep self-acceptance


Transform your relationship with food

  • A 7-weekend, small-group personalised transformational journey with our Founder
  • Step out of obsessive, fear-driven, ever-changing, nutrient-centric, unsustainable diets
  • Develop your “Food Choice Philosophy” to eat your way to health, joyfully and sustainably


Harness your thoughts and emotions to unleash your potential

  • A 2-month, small-group personalised transformational journey with our Founder
  • Go from triggered reactions to grounded responses
  • Find inner peace regardless of outer situations


Embrace the true spirit of yog

  • Understand and experience the four paths of Yog: Gyaan, Raaj, Bhakti, and Karm Yog
  • Develop and refine sustainable practices for each path in your life
  • One session to explore each path with practical suggestions


6 week certificate course to incorporate yogic philosophy & practice into your life

  • Deepen your well-being practice
  • Take the first step towards becoming a teacher
  • Receive a certificate from the Indian Yoga Association and Swasth Yog Institute

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Immerse in nature through joyful excursions in your city

  • Balance the elements within you to live a life of peace, love and joy
  • Discover the essence of life by getting learning from its source – nature
  • Develop simple daily practices to sustain the change you desire


Unveil your true nature, discover peace within

  • Powerful meditation technique to calm your mind and pierce through layers of conditioning
  • Universal Energy channeling & Body scan to harmonize your body & energy
  • Practical philosophy & practice to deepen your journey further

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